Healing Without Fear: How to
overcome your fear of Doctors, Hospitals, and the Health Care
System and find your Way to True Healing
by Laurel Ann Reinhardt, PhD; Foreword by James
Jealous, DO
Healing Arts Press, One Park Street,
Rochester, Vermont 05767 USA; www.InnerTraditions.com
paperback, 2002, $14.95, 175 pp.
After turning to alternative medicine for more
effective help for her asthma, the author relates how, when
faced with a lump in her breast, she felt a terrible fear rising
up that sent her running back to an allopathic doctor. After
waiting ten days for the results of her mammogram, by the time
she saw the surgeon again, the fear had taken over and she was
not able to take the time to make a decision that was not
fear-based. Fortunately, it was a holiday and she couldn't be
scheduled for biopsy for some time. Because of the delay, she
was able to think more clearly and finally decided to try
alternatives (herbs and dietary recommendations) first. By the
time she saw the surgeon again, the lump was gone.
Her doctor was as restricted by fear as she
was -- fear of being sued, fear of the medical board, etc. Even
if we begin without fear, the author says, "the field in a
doctor's office or hospital is often palpable, and can induce
that fear in us. Our society has become extremely fearful about
health concerns, most of the fear being fed by pharmaceutical
ads on TV, medical news, and government recommendations for
screening, tests, etc. The author says "There is a collusion of
silence, fear, and disempowerment of ourselves and each other
that creates a morphic field of fear surrounding the Western
health care system in general, and some illnesses, such as
cancer and AIDS, in particular."
The morphic field of fear which surrounds the
practice of Western medicine is created by the following:
* the personal fears we each have about pain,
illness, disability, life, and death
* the fears of doctors that we assimilate,
sometimes called "white coat fever"
* doctors' fears of making mistakes, failing
their patients, or being sued
* fear-based methods of teaching and
practicing medicine
* financial fears of patients, doctors,
insurance companies, and the government
* fear-based sales tactics of insurance
companies and advertisers
* fears engendered by media reports on health
care topics
* fears of loss of power and control
* fears of the unknown
We are so bombarded with messages and images
of fear on a daily basis that we are often not even aware of it.
The author of Healing Without Fear, Laurel Ann Reinhardt, is an
experienced psychologist in practice for more than 20 years. In
this little book she brings this important, but hardly
acknowledged factor powering our health care system, to light.
She makes us aware of all the fear in our contemporary life and
especially in the arena of health care. I think most alternative
practitioners would agree that an emotion such as fear is a real
impediment to healing.
The author has suggestions for overcoming this
field of fear, and has included a wide variety of exercises that
help one become aware of the feeling of fear, and using
effective tools such as journaling and breath work, begin to
transform the fear. She writes "Where fear is constrictive, love
is expansive; where fear undoes, love creates; where fear
inhibits, love opens up. By loving your body, the people around
you, your environment, your job, your life, and yourself -- your
whole self, including your dreams and intuitions and even your
illnesses and fears -- you can create a field of joy and health
that fear can no longer undo." |